Commonly referred as THE twins by families, friends and colleagues, Santhi and Sari are not always 'two peas in a pod'. Born five minutes apart, the fraternal twins (though they look rather similar despite being non-identical) may have similar interests, but they are "same same but different". Well, one thing that they have in common is their love for scarves and good designs.

4 year-old Santhi and Sari in Monterey where they lived with their parents
Trained as architects, the sisters initially took different career paths. After getting their degrees in architecture, the sisters took off to Belgium to pursuit further studies. After three years in Leuven where they studied at different departments, Santhi decided to move to Singapore to follow love and work as an architect in a local firm. Sari, meanwhile remained in Europe for several more years, living and working in Spain and the Netherlands as an academic researcher.

In 2012, Sari eventually decided to join Santhi in Singapore. The sisters had always wanted to create something together. But it took several more years of working in their respective fields in architecture design and urban planning research before the duo decided to join forces and started Binary Style in 2015, and there was no turning back.

Santhi and Sari at their first outlet at Tang's Plaza which displayed their first ever collection.
The business started with a random sketches of Botanic Gardens, which Sari turned into a scarf design and subsequently a prototype. It gathered appreciation from families and friends. Soon more designs were created, and a company was formally incorporated to facilitate the commercialisation of the designs. They then found their foothold in National Design Centre, right in the heart of creative hub in Singapore. It was the right time and place to start their journey. Singapore was in the SG50 celebration mood when SG inspired design items were highly favoured. Soon, their SG-inspired creations caught the attentions of prominent organisations who commissioned them to custom design scarves for them, i.e. Singapore Airlines, National Heritage Board and Singapore Symphony Orchestra.

Santhi at the first ever popup SingaPasar at National Design Centre - celebrating SG50
Starting a business in their forties is quite a journey for them. Coming from an academic family and having no business background, the journey was a steep learning curve. Fortunately they have each other, and discovered individual strength in business which they never knew before.
Reflecting on their own business journey, the sisters are staunch advocate of mid-life business journey. They believe it is never too late to pursuit ones' passions and to start something new in any stage of life. "Just do it, and you have already won half of the challenge! Don't overthink!"
They also credit their success to the kind souls who acted as mentors along the way, supportive families and friends, and the local women entrepreneur network who demonstrate great support and camaraderie. Santhi currently manages the business operation and marketing, while Sari leads the creative production.
Singapore is a great source of inspirations for the sisters. They are constantly delving into Singapore's history, urban legends, architecture and nature on the look for inspirations for their next creations. They take pride in foregrounding less known aspects of Singapore and translate them into catchy designs to raise awareness.
The twins inherited their loves for good designs from to their fashionista grandmother and mother, who always dress to the T, right into their golden years. Their wardrobes were brimming with fashionable and colourful garments, a true treasure trove for the twins.

Grandmother in her 40s wearing lace kebaya and statement chocker
Santhi is married and a mother of two boys, the oldest is currently studying in Europe, while the youngest is currently serving NS. She also has a furkid, Oreo, a grumpy mini Schnauzer. Sari is recently married, and has one furkid, Ringo, a young mini Jack Russels Terrier (named after the Beatles), who had singlehandedly destroyed ten pairs for shoes. Santhi lives in the west side of the island, while Sari in the east. Everyday they reunite in the centre, where the studio is located.