This silk scarf is inspired by the thriving avian enclosure in Pulau Ubin. A stone throw away from the Singapore main coastline, lays the quaint little island where visitors can find remnants of vernacular architecture. Popular among locals for weekend hiking and bike ride, the island offers a refreshing short break from the urban life.

Upon a closer look, visitors can also spot the rich biodiversity: local marine lifes, wild boars and rare birds. This silk scarf is inspired by some of bird species in the island that were thought to be steadily declining due to deforestation such as the green broadbill, black and red broadbill, buff-rumped woodpecker, buffy fish owl, and oriental pied hornbill. Keen birdwatchers, however, observed that these birds have made rather regular re-appearances in the island. Especially prominent was the green broadbills with their striking green plumage that were thought to be near extinct.

Nothing is more apt as a celebratory gesture than to capture these avian beauties on our scarf design. Can you identify which is which? Next time you make a trip to the island, bring along your binocular and try to spot them amidst the island greenery!