As the year of the Ox is coming up, we have shortlisted some Binary Style items that would look and feel great on you in this festive season. We have selected a few essential scarf for you to usher the Lunar New Year in!
Scarf to Keep Lady Luck on Your Side

Scarf to Evade Bullets

“When are you getting married?”
“Do you have a partner/boyfriend/girlfriend?”
“When are you having children?”
"How much money are you making?"
We have got the best distraction for you to evade all these bullets. Wear our Playful Otter scarf! It is the best cute distraction where you can hang out with the little kiddos admiring the cute creatures. You will get questions like "What is an otter?" or "Do otters have teeth?" instead.
Scarf to Keep you Rooted to Tradition

Scarf to Remind You of Better Days Ahead

Reminiscing the architectural legacy of Pearl Bank with Herons gliding through the garden city. Did you know that Heron or lù (as known in mandarin), symbolizes path as it sound the same as ‘lù ‘way’ which translates to ‘path’. Herons symbolizes a path that leads towards success, progress, and achievements.
Scarf for the budding year

(Paris Singapore Rendezvous 65cmx65cm ; Paris Singapore Rendezvous 87cmx87cm)
The harsh winter has to happen before spring can bloom its flowers. As flowers begin to sprout, so should we. With its array of beautiful blooming flowers, Paris Singapore Rendezvous Scarf symbolises growth and strength from the tumultuous year it has been. It also symbolises strength and growth after any difficulties faced. The year of the Rat has been a very difficult and challenging year for everybody and we only wish for us to stand and grow stronger from this together. This coming year, may we start blooming.
You can head to our online store for our Chinese New Year picks for this celebration.
Before we end the post, all of us at Binary Style would like to wish you all the happiness in this festivity season and a Very Very Very Prosperous New Year ahead!
May we herd in the year of the Ox with great positivity and happiness!